Photo Booth for Live Events

Draw Attention to your

Photo Booth


BYO Booth

Attracting attention to your booth at a convention is paramount to your success that day. The key question is how to attract people’s attention. Having a fun and/or interesting product that requires a demonstration would be ideal in drawing a crowd. If your product is neither fun nor interesting but serves a needed niche, you will have to get a bit creative. This is where using a photo booth for live events can get you the recognition you need to sell your product and draw a crowd at a convention.

Download BYO Booth Photo Booth Software today!

Photo Both for Live Events
Contests for your Live Events

Contests to Create Traffic


Create Excitement with Contests!

You could easily setup contest mode where a random person using the photo booth at your live event will get a “golden ticket”. You can preset the number of winners and the odds. The winner can get a product of yours, a gift card, or whatever else you want to give away. Certainly, the more valuable the item you are giving away, the more buzz that will be generated. All people involved (especially the winners) will remember the experience for days to come.

After your photo booth download, you will have access to support documents, how to videos, support forum, and live support. Check out our easy to navigate and vast photo booth support section.

Collect Contact Information


Built-In Data Collection!

Collect users email address, Twitter handle, Facebook usernames, and more with the built-in data collection feature. Export the data to a .csv file to easily upload into your CRM. You can also create surveys using any questions with multiple choice answers. This could be really valuable to learn a bit more about what people think of your product.

BYO Booth Photo Booth Features:

Canon DSLR, Powershot & Webcam
Display Advertising
Animated GIF's
Hashtag Printing
Instagram Video Support
Surveys and Data Collection
Email, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Pinterest, Smugmug & FTP
Multiple Hashtag Support
Much More

Get started today! Simply go to our Photo Booth Download page and click or tap "Download Free Trial".


Photo Booth Download